Training Videos

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How To Leverage Training To Grow Your Business

Training Videos

What tool can you use that trains both your staff and your ideal customers? Training Videos of course!


Correct, Training Videos.


Allow me to elucidate. 😉


Statistics say you should consider video. According to IOMA, Corporations save between 50% and 70% when they replace instructor based programs with eLearning.


Microsoft used video to cut classroom training costs from $320 per person to $17.

One more stat for you.

The University of Queensland identified four benefits of video in education, irrespective of if you’re an educational provider or business with a global footprint.

  • It facilitates thinking and problem-solving.
  • Assists with mastery.
  • Inspires and engages.
  • Provides authentic learning opportunities.

Every social media platform has embraced video in more ways than one over the years, as they know video means longer visits and longer visits means more advertisers dollars.


Thank you very much 😄, I’ll just leave this here 🎤


Training At Your Finger Tips

Knowledge At Your Finger Tips With eLearning


Ooooh, come on, you didn’t like that? You need more convincing 🙄




Here are 9 more reasons why you need to consider Training Videos within your business.


Training Videos are:

1. Are Customisable – Regardless of what you do or how you do it, video can help. If you want to train how to operate your machinery, or demo a new product launch, video is your go to medium.

2. Are Scalable – Whether you have one or 100 employees, video will still be relevant.

3. Are Cost Effective – Saves money and resources.

4. Are always on and can be used anywhere anytime. Fitting in with the Staff’s or Customer’s timeline.

5. Engage better as they encode experience’s in someone’s long term memory. Just look at Udemy or Coursera and the like. Due to this added engagement, information retention increases, meaning they remember more about you for longer.

6. Boost work productivity. A more informed workforce will preform more efficiently, reduce risk and increase competency of employees.

7. Are Sharable. If you can chunk them down into bite sized pieces, SM will love that.

8. Training and developing both your Employees and Ideal Customers will help retain them long term and help with your business continuity.

9. With Interactive Training Videos we can take your training to the stratosphere, with clickable links, quizzes and email collection all within the video player, that sits right on your web page. Hello, email collection, right within the video player!!

Not only do you get all of that, but you get the analytics afterwards to see what works, where doesn’t it work and what you need to concentrate on to make sure your viewers are engaged to the end. More information, better decisions.

Are you looking to create Training Videos to help increase their motivation and productivity levels of your business, or would you like to explore the option of creating a course as a second revenue stream for your business, then please feel free to reach out for an obligation free chat with Reg.


Any questions, please call me on 0401 719 859


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